CanadaGlobal Survey 2005-2006BroadcastBroadcast institutions and channelsTotal number of radio and television institutions..................Information onitem188
Number of community radio stations..................143
Radio coverage as percentage of population................9392
Television coverage as percentage of population................9595
JournalistsJournalists (headcounts)................5 000..
Journalists (headcounts) per 1,000,000 inhabitants................156..
NewspapersNewspapersDaily newspapers: number of titles........Information onitem107Information onitem107Information onitem104Information onitem105Information onitem103..
Daily newspapers: number of titles per 1,000,000 inhabitants........Information onitem3.49Information onitem3.45Information onitem3.32Information onitem3.32Information onitem3.22..
Daily newspapers: total average circulation........Information onitem5 500 000Information onitem5 566 000Information onitem5 461 000Information onitem5 590 000Information onitem5 578 000..
Daily newspapers: total average circulation per 1,000 inhabitants........Information onitem179.22Information onitem179.6Information onitem174.43Information onitem176.72Information onitem174.56..
Total number of community newspaper titles per 1,000,000 inhabitants..................47.16
Library StatisticsLibrairiesLibraries of institutions of tertiary education (only available for Europe and North America)Administrative units......1 089............
Books: Number of volumes......76 772 450............
Library employees: Holding a diploma......1 651............
National Libraries: Collections, registered users, works loaned out, employeesAdministrative units11111..........
Service points1..................
Books: Number of volumes6 387 000....6 954 7247 267 860..........
Collections: Microforms5 769 7744 314 6376 252 4636 438 6986 659 594..........
Collections: Audio-visual documents180 053199 870204 224207 317221 772..........
Collections: Other library materials3 056 656..................
Registered users6 9585 9165 5485 1805 495..........
Annual Additions: Volumes132 463..................
Annual Additions: Other materials256 656..................
Loans To users230 888214 339168 15881 239205 053..........
Library Employees: Total..460426406420..........
Library Employees: Holding a diploma..210189185185..........
Public LibrariesAdministrative unitsInformation onitem1 045....2 739............
Service points3 672..................
Collections. Books: Number of volumes70 077 000....75 032 608............
Collections. Other library materials11 788 654..................
Loans to users203 204 296..................
Library employees. Holding a diploma......2 087............
Data extracted on 19 Apr 2024 21:59 UTC (GMT) from UKDS.Stat


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